Is Being a Go-Getter Stopping Your Career Advancement?
There is no doubt companies benefit from quick-thinking, fast-acting talented people who are true go-getters who are clearly working on their corporate development career path. These kinds of people hunger for challenges, and take on any task with seemingly endless enthusiasm and energy. They have a particular drive and passion that is sometimes unmatched, driving their team to reach goals over and over again.
What these go-getters are is Producers. It is not uncommon for many managers to be recognized as Producers on their corporate development career path. They are an asset to any company because they become involved in almost every aspect of a project from the initial ideas to its completion. They offer real hands-on support for all team members and they are accessible 24/7 if need be.
So, why can being a Producer hamper your promotional opportunities? After all, this type of manager is truly valued within the workplace, right?
It is not uncommon for Producers to be quickly promoted up through the ranks to middle management positions. However, it can be difficult for them to move up into a senior position despite working so hard and keeping their nose to the grindstone.
This might be a surprise because Producers seemingly deserve a promotion and all the rewards that go along with it. They have a great track record that speaks for itself and they have a great reputation for achieving goals. There is no shortage of opportunities either, so the big question is, why are Producers left on the shelf, stuck in middle management positions?
The answer is clear when you know why. Let’s take a look:
Producers become so focused on driving to meet targets and taking on new projects they neglect other important factors needed to fulfil the role of senior manager.
In truth, Producers are viewed as uniquely individual. They are one-person shows, as it were, who are good at what they do, but who lack other important skills.
Producers can be so driven their team often lacks proper training. Developmental opportunities are missed because Producers are always looking forward when they should be stopping to see who needs support right now.
As well, Producers may not be good at following policies or procedures. They know they exist, but they don’t want them to get in the way of the success of the project; and this is never a good thing. We all know that policies are there for a reason.
So, if you are a Producer what do you need to do to get that promotion?
It’s not as bleak as it sounds. There are plenty of things a Producer can do to ensure that the next promotion is theirs. If you can identify with this type of manager, then take note of the following.
Create time to sit down, one on one, with each member of your team. Ask them how they are feeling about their current job. Do they need training in certain areas? Where do they see themselves in two, five or ten years? And most importantly, how can you help them achieve their goals?
Also, step back and allow your team to drive a project themselves. They probably don’t need your constant input. This might, in truth, be perceived as interference, and that can develop resentment. Instead, give them enough space to thrive.
To become a better manager you will need to be well-rounded, versatile and flexible. You deserve that promotion, but you are going to have to work for it.
Being reflective is always a good thing, and it can only lead you to bigger and better things in the future. Taking stock of what kind of manager you are, and how best to improve on the skills you already have is a great start.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Is Being an Administrator Actually Bad for Your Career Goals?
There are many different types of managers, and all have benefits that no company should be without. However, along with these advantages there are some drawbacks that can hamper the manager’s chances for promotion. These can make it difficult in knowing how to measure success at work.
One such manager is the Administrator. This might by you, so keep reading, and why you might identify with being an Administrator there are things that can be done to build on your skills and get that promotion you deserve.
Administrators are those types of managers who know how to measure success at work. They diligently and meticulously plan each step of the process, knowing that planning is necessary to achieve success. They keep everything in order from their pens, their diaries, and even their team. They thrive in an environment which is well organized, neat and ordered.
A good Administrator is highly valued within the company because of their commitment to orderly planning and organization. Administrators ensure that all resources are available and that a clear project flow is in place before a project is even started. They plan the stages of the project very carefully, often incorporating the use of resources along the way. As all Administrators know, projects that begin on time and are completed either on or ahead of schedule are worthwhile and satisfying.
Like many of the managerial styles we are visiting in this series of articles, Administrators are quickly promoted up through the ranks to middle management positions. After all, what company wouldn’t benefit from the talents highlighted above, right?
However, breaking through the middle management ceiling and becoming senior managers is not easy for many Administrators. These hardworking reliable people are often frustrated and disappointed when colleagues are promoted over them. They feel left behind and undervalued. This is not good for morale or the overall success of the company.
So, what are Administrators doing wrong?
Let’s take a closer look at the drawbacks of being so efficient. While Administrators are great at developing ways to run projects efficiently and on time, many exceed expected results, they lack flexibility. When projects suffer setbacks they find it difficult to reassess and change their fixed plans. In truth, many Administrators are too rigid and controlling. They also lack the wider vision to see beyond what is on their desk right now. They don’t seem to be interested in what else is going on in the company either.
Are you an Administrator desperate for a promotion? If you answered ‘yes’ there is good news. Combine your natural instincts and strengths, and build on those aspects of your managerial style which are lacking.
These might be developing and practicing skills such as brainstorming, team-building, and improvising. Spend a little less energy on organization and processes, and more on team building and support.
You need to be seen as a well-rounded manager that is flexible, approachable and someone who is ready to handle the unpredictability of any corporate environment.
There is no reason why that next promotion shouldn’t be yours. We all know you have the skills to do the job properly. All you have to do is show your bosses that you can do it, and that you are flexible. Develop those others skills that you see in senior managers and the next time a promotion opportunity comes up, it’ll be all yours.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Are You An Entrepreneur? Then it’s Time to Curtail Those Ideas
Every office and every company needs at least one good Entrepreneur. These are the people who come up with new and inspirational ideas. They are passionate and innovative about what they do. They seem to have their corporate development career path set out clearly in front of them – or do they?
Entrepreneurs are always busy working out new and interesting solutions to challenges faced within the company. They help move the company forward, taking someone else’s ideas and generating interesting projects in the blink of an eye.
Entrepreneurs are naturally admired and valued. The minute they embark on their corporate development career path, they are constantly busy figuring out ways for their company to innovate and expand. And they excitedly jump into new areas, taking their teams on journeys to novel and exciting levels.
Being an Entrepreneur is a gift, and all of those ‘out of the box’ solutions generate an exciting and unique working environment for everyone in the office.
Are you the Entrepreneur in your office? Are you the one who comes up with new and exciting ideas, which lead the company towards a greater profit line?
If you identify as being the Entrepreneur there is no doubt that you have already experienced success in your career. You may have been quickly promoted over others at a young age, and you are perhaps the go-to person when it comes to solving tricky aspects of projects or ventures.
Other time, however, you may have noticed that your career has stalled. You may have applied for several promotions inside your company and been disappointed because you didn’t get them.
You may also be confused as to why. You are hardworking and dedicated. You know the company inside and out, and have proven experience that should suit a senior manager’s position. Or do you?
One thing that Entrepreneurs are not good at is dealing with the practical day to day tasks. Many Entrepreneurs have failed to learn about the less creative sides of management. They are not good at understanding the approval processes, budget allocations, and resource development, for example. They are great at coming up with ideas, but not actioning them through to a successful conclusion. As well, many of the ideas generated weren’t successful because they weren’t practical, and yet after years in the position the Entrepreneur hasn’t recognized that.
Without a thorough understanding of this less glamorous side of office procedures an Entrepreneur simply can’t get ahead and advance their career.
So, what can you do?
Ensure that you spend an hour or two each day following through your ideas and creative plans. Create a flowchart or Excel doc that helps you keep on track. One which identifies each step of the creative process from the first idea right through to when the project is completed. Make sure each step is dated too. This will give you a clear understanding of how long the process takes. Also, make sure you note who else was involved so you know who to work with in the future.
As well, learn more about the administrative side of your managerial role. If your creative ideas need funding, for example, find out how that process takes place. Who is involved and why some projects are a success and others are not.
Being a well-rounded Entrepreneur is going to help your career to succeed and grow. You are going to gain more knowledge and experience, and these will be seen in a positive light when you do apply for that next promotion.
Being an Entrepreneur is a valuable gift that only you fully understand. Your bosses need you to always be at your creative best. They also need you to demonstrate your capabilities and learn each and every aspect of the job. Stepping outside your comfort zone and doing things that might seem mundane or even boring may not seem like fun in the short term, but they will pay off and you will soon find yourself climbing the corporate ladder.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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4 Ways You Can Get Promoted Over a Co-Worker
Competing with a co-worker for a promotion is never easy. There are many challenges that you will have to face. It can be nerve-wracking and you may feel that the eyes of the entire company are focused on you. Of course, that means if you make a mistake and don’t get the promotion everyone will know it, and that can be embarrassing.
It is for these reasons that many people shy away from applying for a promotion because their skills and experiences are pitted against their co-workers, and that’s understandable. When pursuing their corporate development career path some people lose hope and give up.
But what if I told you there was a way to apply for a promotion, handle it like a pro, and improve your chances of getting it improving your corporate development career path?
Let’s have a look at these 4 steps to getting promoted over your co-worker:
1. Explore the Job’s Requirements
You’ve got the job description sitting on your desk, and you think there aren’t any surprises. After all, you know the company well and understand what is required … or do you?
Let’s take a closer look at the list of experiences or qualities that an ideal candidate needs.
All job descriptions catalog the technical skills and competencies needed to fulfil the role. For example, “be able to work in a challenging environment” maybe listed. It might also say that the successful candidate must be experienced using a whole suite of software programs.
However, if you delve in a little more you will may find that there are certain things missing. These gaps are important to know if you are going to get the promotion.
Let me explain: It doesn’t matter how competent a person might be at using software if they don’t have great interpersonal skills and are able to inspire and manage a team well.
Studying the job description and looking for what is missing, then ensuring that your application addresses them is a sure-fired way to give you the competitive edge.
2. Look at Your Co-Worker as Your Competitor
When looking at your co-worker in a different light it is important not to build up feelings of resentment. Sometime competition can bring out the worst in people’s attitudes, and they end up making enemies.
Let’s approach this step in a more generous mindset rather than a small minded one. That way, if you don’t get the promotion and they do you won’t have made an enemy in a senior position. Alternatively, if you do get the promotion and they don’t, it might be likely that you will still need their cooperation to do your job properly.
Start making notes about each co-worker who is going for the position. List what advantages they have over you, and also their weaknesses. Once you have done this you should know what areas you are at a greater advantage? You’ll also have a clearer picture of what areas you need to improve. Look at ways you can highlight your advantages on your application so they outshine your disadvantages.
3. Compile Your Research
Now that you have information about the position and you have got to know your competitors, it is time to put all of this information together in a chart.
The chart should list both the formal and informal job requirements, as well as, how you size up to your competition on every requirement. It should also include a breakdown of the job description which should be used as a reference point.
Spend some time studying the chart thoroughly. Make sure you haven’t left anything out or put too much emphasize on one thing and not another. Go back to the job description and read it again with this fresh information in front of you.
4. Build Your Strategy
Approach the job application process like you would any other important project. Break the process into stages and build a strategy around each step to ensure that you put yourself in the best light possible.
Once you have updated and re-formatted your resume, it’s time to look at how you are going to approach the interview process.
To make sure you stand out as the better prospect over your co-workers you are going to have to use specific examples to highlight the advantages you have over them. This might be about quoting increases in sales or how successful your projects were.
In this way, you differentiate yourself from the competitor by offering information that is unexpected, yet can definitely be a game changer.
Now that you have read through this article it is time to start preparing for your next promotion. Don’t wait until the promotion is announced. Start planning it now.
Competing with an internal candidate has its challenges, but being successful is not possible. If you follow these four steps, you’ll still be able to show that you are the best candidate for the promotion.
Good luck!
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Are You Honestly Listening to Constructive Feedback?
No matter where you sit in your company’s hierarchy, there are always going to be drawbacks. You might be the best manager your team has, and you might be so successful you have become relaxed and at ease with your achievements.
Being successful was your dream and your goal. It is something you have worked really hard at for a long time, and you deserve all the accolades you can get. You may feel that you know how to measure success at work because you are kicking goals in so many areas.
You have been educated to work hard and to get ahead in your career. To be the best you’ve got to be good at what you do. This is what you’ve been working towards your whole career, paving the path to the top, bit-by-bit. Excelling at your job is essential for becoming the type of manager your organization would consider for future promotions.
It’s understandable that you have been caught up in your achievements, and enjoying all that success entails. You have probably received awards, bonuses and those regular pats on the back that we all cherish. Receiving confirmation that you are doing your job well is something all managers crave, but there is one thing you need to remember. It can be tricky knowing how to measure success at work, but it is not impossible.
Getting the encouragement you need is only a confirmation that you are doing your job well. It is not an indication that you are ready for promotion and ready to take on a senior position.
However, with great success comes complacencies and these can lead to many successful managers not listening to constructive feedback. So, what does it matter, I hear you ask? Well, becoming complacent is a good way to ensure you never get promoted.
I know it sounds crazy, but let me explain.
A huge number of successful managers don’t achieve their goals of promotion despite of how successful they are. In fact, you’ll be surprised to learn that 72% of managers just like you are not promoted because they are so successful.
Take Time to Reflect On Your Existing Skills and Talents
It is worthy making some time to reflect on your skills and talents. These have got you to the great position you are in now, but are they enough to ensure that you get that promotion you have always wanted?
Once you have made a list, look at it and consider are they good enough for a senior position?
Now, this is the time you’ll need to be honest with yourself and speak to someone in your company you trust. If they offer constructive feedback, take it and work with it.
Don’t become defensive or shrug it off. So many managers do this, and it is costing them a promotion.
Make Sure You Listen
When asking for constructive feedback don’t react in a personal way. Do you think those in the company above you did that? It’s highly unlikely. Successful senior managers are the type of people who are somewhat thick-skinned and don’t take criticisms personally.
Instead, they listen carefully and attentively to each and everything which is relayed to them. Then they do one important thing: they act and change.
Do you need to put in more hours? Do you need to ensure some members of your team are working at their best? Are the times you dropped the ball and the project stalled or worse, halted in its progress?
More importantly, what could you done differently and what would you do again in the future?
Using Constructive Criticism as Part of Your Plans for Promotion
Now that you have made some notes about where you need to make improvements you need to use that feedback to make sure you are promotion material. You need to change how you do your job and ensure that your senior managers observe those changes.
In truth, you are going to have to change your mindset and start asking yourself some important questions.
Here are some you might consider:
Sure, I received a bonus for xyz job, but what would my senior manager done better?
I know all the ins and outs of the database, but do I understand how it fits in with the overall software system?
My team is one of the most productive in the company, am I supporting them in all the ways I can?
Do any of these sound familiar? If so, it’s not the end of the world or your career for that matter. What’s important is that from now on, you work on using constructive feedback to ensure that your career excels further than it already has and that you can achieve the promotion you deserve.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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5 Tips to Ensure You Never Get Stuck in Your Career
Regardless of who you are or where you work you never want to get stuck in your career. Developing a corporate development career path is essential for your wellbeing and future career prospects. This can only be done by identifying why some managers never get promoted, and are doing the same thing year in, year out and why others are promoted above them.
As well, you may wonder why you are being told to wait just a bit longer for your own corporate development career path and what you have done to create this opinion. You have worked hard and been dedicated to the success of each and every project you’ve worked on. You have built up your department successfully and you are well liked.
So, what is going on? What have you done wrong? And, should you be worried? Yes, but read on. There are the top 5 reasons why mid-level managers like you are stuck in your career. Read through them below and start making plans to change your career path today.
1. There Are Limited Places at The Top
All company positions can be viewed like a pyramid. Sure, there are plenty of chances for career advancement at the bottom. Even mid-way up the pyramid there are positions that you have applied for and received. However, close to the top the career advancement opportunities begin to become less and less as the pyramid becomes narrower.
This makes sense, but it doesn’t have to mean that you are one of those middle managers who never improve their career.
Let’s face it, you were good enough to be promoted from a junior role to a mid-level one. The pyramid was still wide at that lower level and the competition was not quite as tough. There seemed to be more opportunities along your corporate development career path, but not anymore.
You need to move up and find a way to do so using your existing skills and new ones you are going to research and build on. This will ensure that when senior management are scanning through prospective candidates your name is going to appear front and center.
2. Stand Out from Your Competition
Some people are driven from day one to succeed and do well. They never take anything for granted and know from the day they begin at a junior level that it is only going to be temporary. They are on the way up, and they know it.
You need to develop the same career goals and you need to compete harder. In truth, it’s not enough to do a good job or even an excellent job. You have to figure out how to compete with other mid-level managers by showing that you have the skills and expertise they don’t, and showcasing them to your colleagues and senior managers.
To gain the next promotion it is essential that you stand out in the crowd and get noticed. Doing your job well is not enough. You need to find out how the company works, what the company prizes in senior managers, and become that one person it is looking for.
3. Understand That You Need to Lift Your Game to be a Senior Manager
Often juniors are promoted despite their weaknesses. Their limited skills are recognized, as are their talents and achievements. Their flaws are also noted, but senior managers figure these would be worked out and eliminated in a mid-level manager position.
This might ring true for you and the stage your career is at now. However, if you take the time to study the skills and expertise of the senior managers above you, you will find that they have grown and developed well beyond their former junior selves.
When you apply for a position as a senior manager you will be scrutinized from head to toe. As the pyramid narrows there is no room for anyone to make mistakes or carry their flaws like baggage. Those in charge of promotions are, for the most part, unwilling to compromise, and why should they?
Make sure that you have developed what it takes to be a senior manager. This may take time to learn thoroughly, but look at it as an investment which will ultimately give you the career advancement you so desire.
4. Demonstrate That You Are a Well-Rounded Manager
If you’ve been in your present position for some time you may not have realized that the rules have changed. You may not know anymore what is truly required for a promotion, and that what defines you as “professional” has changed.
There is no doubt that you are good at what you do. You might be the best sales manager or the most innovative programmer, and this has got you to where you are today. But, is it enough?
To move up the ladder you’ll need to add sophisticated managerial skills to your portfolio. What helped you in the past has become less important, and while you were busy doing your job the goal posts have been shifted and your skills are no longer relevant or applicable for senior positions or they are lacking in some way.
Demonstrating that you’re a well-rounded manager is the most important thing you can do now. You need to focus on and refine your management skills and show that you’re worthy of being a senior manager.
5. Never Stop Striving to Be Better at Your Job
The last thing any successful manager has done is rest on their laurels. While it is okay to pat yourself on the back and appreciate how far you have come, it is important that you keep striving towards your next career advancement.
So far your talents and achievements have served you well. You have been noticed in your company and been promoted to where you are now. It would be tempting to sit back and take a career break, but don’t. If you do this you will find yourself being ignored and even taken for granted. Your senior managers will not promote you because you were good in the past. They want to see how you are taking the initiative and growing and developing your career on your own.
Managers who do not take a proactive part in shaping their career fall into career coma, never to wake up again to new opportunities.
It is important that you don’t wait for someone to shake you out of your comfort zone. Find ways to actively take charge of your career path. Let’s face it, your next promotion is all up to you. No one is going to help you get out of a rut. Embrace the new challenges that lie ahead and that next promotion will be yours.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Understanding Managerial Styles: The Integrator
There are four broad ways we can define and understand management styles. It is important for the career goals of a manager to understand each one, and identify which one you belong to.
In particular, this will help you understand your current competencies and how you can do your job better. It will help identify your strengths, and also your weaknesses and areas where you need to improve.
Even more importantly, comprehending which managerial style you fit into will help you understand why you haven’t been promoted and what you can do to change that. After all, despite your style it is important that you learn to adapt and adjust so that you can advance your career goals of a manager.
While there are individual variations, most managers can classify their managerial style into one of four types: Integrator, Entrepreneur, Producer, and Administrator. In short, Entrepreneurs are always looking for new growth opportunities; Producers are extremely bottom-line oriented; and Administrators are great at developing and enforcing corporate policy.
In this post we are going to concentrate on the Integrator style of management. An Integrator is great at building and managing teams.
If you are an Integrator you are going to very popular regardless of what company you work for. Integrators are well-liked and simply great with people. They are those kinds of managers who people genuinely like and who are able to get the best out of others. They are able to form teams almost effortlessly, while keeping everyone happy and committed. This is no mean feat if you consider how diverse and competing personalities can really upset teamwork.
When it comes to projects, Integrators are all inclusive ensuring that everyone is invited to project meetings and has their say. However, they also insist upon complete consensus. This can be time consuming as each member is expected to have their say and respond to other’s ideas and comments.
Integrators work hard to keep the team happy and working well. This may mean making themselves available 24/7 to hear professional or even private concerns of their team members.
This sounds great, doesn’t it? You might wonder what is wrong with this approach and why Integrators are held back from promotion. After all, Integrators continue to ride the wave of success for a few years or so, eyeing their next promotion on the horizon confident they have are able to face new challenges and the authority and resources to meet them.
One of the issues Integrators face is their inability to evolve into a different type of manager. The insistence on consensus and being available any time of the day or night were appropriate when the Integrator was a junior and even a mid-level manager, but senior managers need to do more.
Senior managers need to take on essential skills, such as initiating multiple projects, making quick decisions, and being on the ball. Sure, team involvement is crucial to the team’s success, as an individual however, the Integrator hasn’t spent the time developing ensuring that they have the other skills so highly prized by their company. Also, giving so much time to team management can slow down the implementation of a project and actually be a drawback in the long run.
Do you identify as an Integrator? Do you have great team leading skills, but lack the expertise and training to fulfil other important roles in the company?
If this sounds familiar, don’t despair there are things you can do to ensure that next promotion is yours.
If you’re an Integrator, you must develop skills outside your comfort zone. The important thing is to start with what you know. Use your skills when it comes to building and managing teams and nurture the relationships you have with your staff.
Then research the skills needed to fulfil the role of senior management and find out how you can gains those valuable skills. Do you need to study after work? Also, ask questions and sound out your own manager and ask what areas you need to improve. Learn about and understand the other managerial styles and begin to bring some of their key factors into your managerial style. Identify what you need to get better at now and begin working on it today to ensure you are promotion material.
It is only through ensuring your well-roundedness that you will be seriously considered for senior positions.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Does it Matter What Your Co Workers Think of You?
Do you really know what your co-workers think about you? And do you care?
If you work in a competitive environment it can be difficult to understand that your chances of promotion are affected by how others see you. You may feel resentment towards your co-workers, and may not want to know what they think of you.
You may think a certain way about yourself. You may see yourself as hardworking, industrious, even tempered and resourceful. You are probably proud of the results you have achieved. However, it is important that you begin to recognize the gap between how you see yourself and how others see you.
If you want to achieve tempting career advancements you are going to have to find out what your co-workers think about you, but you are then going to use this information to your advantage.
Once you know you then have to ensure that you begin to manage how others perceive you. This means each and every aspect of your working life. It includes your talents, your accomplishments, and your chances of succeeding in your next job. These are key factors affecting career development.
How Can You Find Out What Others Think About You?
When seeking feedback from others some managers focus too heavily on negative aspects. Instead, you should ask what others see as your strengths. You’ll probably be surprised to hear how exceptional these strengths are and how valued they are in the company.
Choose a few co-workers and a senior manager and begin to tally the information you receive. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Make a list of:
.My strengths as I see them
.Who I have consulted
.Their perceptions of my strengths
.Whether this perception is new to me?
Is there anything that you see as a strength that wasn’t brought up?
Understanding what others have not identified as something you think you’re especially good at is a great way to ensure you can be better prepared for a promotion. Ask the people you spoke to if they recognize these strengths? Did they forget to mention them or, more importantly, don’t they know about them because you haven’t showcased them well enough?
Now make a list of the values your company has. What values do they reward with promotions and bonuses? What qualities to others promoted over you have that you don’t? Doing this kind of research will give you a laser-like focus on what you need to know to achieve a promotion.
You now know what’s valued at your organization and what skills you need to develop.
Surprisingly, most managers aiming for promotion don’t follow these simple steps, leading to a failure rate of a staggering 70%
This failure wasn’t due to them lacking in something. They had similar, and in some cases, better education, experiences, and talents than those who got the promotion. However, they failed to utilize them properly.
Let’s make sure you are not one of them.
In Conclusion
Understand that while believing in yourself is important, it isn’t the whole picture. Don’t simply believe that what others think about you isn’t important either. If you do you will lose touch with the way you’re perceived by others. Once you understand that, work on actively influencing others’ perception, and making sure that they see you as the next best person for that promotion.
And always remember,
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Don’t Just Dream It – Getting Your Next Promotion
It’s easy sometimes to just drift off, stare out of the office window and dream of your next promotion. We’ve all done it at some time, and continued to wonder how we might achieve our goals.
After all, you need to put a strategy into place to overcome your career advancement solutions. Just dreaming about it isn’t going to make it happen. You know that. I know that. And, everyone watching you daydreaming about it knows it too.
Don’t give in to your daydreams of getting that promotion you really want. Instead, make it happen in exactly the way you want.
Regardless of what goals we set ourselves there will always be hurdles which need to be overcome before dreams can become realized. These hurdles may seem larger on some days than on others. They may even seem impassable, but they are not.
When outlining your career advancement solutions it is important to create realistic, smaller goals for yourself to achieve. These might be short-term and manageable at first. They may even seem a bit off track, and you might not see how they fit into your dream of being promoted. Just stay with me for now, though.
What if you could turn your daydreams into reality? What if you could see your dreams being realized in the future? What if you were so well prepared for that next promotion you simply eased your way into it?
Here’s what you should do:
Your dream job isn’t going to simply be offered to you. If it was, you’d have it already. You are going to have to make some sacrifices to achieve your goals.
So, what is it that you are ready to sacrifice? You will have to give up some of your free time and social outings. This might mean putting off playing golf or basketball with your friends on the weekend. You may have to curb traveling to visit relatives at special times of the year. You may even have to put aside time after work each night.
Now, decide what your “dream job” is going to be. Don’t settle for second best either. To ensure that know exactly what you are aiming for be as specific as possible. Write down the job title, name or type of company, what kind of office you might have, and your salary.
Set a date and imagine yourself sitting at the desk of your dream job looking at the calendar with that date on it. Setting a particular date will force you to act sooner rather than later.
Create a list of skills and experiences you will need to achieve your dream job. Look at the person who has the job or one similar. Note down what skills they have, and what kind of work ethic they have. Work hard towards re-skilling or doing extra courses after work. And, also work on your attitude right now so you will be ready to take on your next promotion.
Each and every day imagine yourself doing the job. What will you wear? How will others look at you? What will your desk look like? (Think plants, pens, notebooks, etc.) What kind of car will you drive? Most importantly, write down how you are going to feel when you have got this promotion. How will it affect you and change your life for the better?
Now this is the most important part. Read the last section at least twice a day. Read it out loud in a strong and determined voice. Add to your description if you think of something new.
Life is full of disappointments so don’t worry if you suffer setbacks. All champions do, and you are not different to them. What you need to do is see setbacks as learning tools that will make you stronger and help you hone your approach even better.
Working through each of these points means that you are taking an active part in achieving your dream job. Don’t stay behind with the pack by just wishing that you would be promoted. Make it happen.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Take Charge of Preparing Yourself for Your Next Career Opportunity
Do you feel that many tempting career advancements have passed you by? It’s frustrating to see one person after another getting ahead of you. You work hard and you are dedicated to your company. In fact, there are many that might agree with you when you cry, “I deserved that promotion!”
But, it just didn’t happen.
So, what are you going to do about it now? Blame someone else? Quit and try to start again in another company?
No one else is really responsible for your career except you. Next time there is a tempting career advancement opportunity make sure you are the one who is first in line for the job.
After all, no one else is going to do it for you, least of all your colleagues who may be running against you.
Don’t leave your next career advancement opportunity to the last minute. Preparation is the key to being truly ready. It will give you an edge your competitors aren’t going to have, and put you at the forefront of being the best candidate for the position.
How are you perceived by others?
If you are seen as the office clown or the no-hoper who can’t be relied on to do their job properly then it makes sense that you aren’t going to be considered seriously for that next promotion.
We all have strengths and weaknesses, but it is how others perceive them that counts in this situation. If you want your boss and colleagues to take you seriously you may have to look at your track record.
Change the way others see you in the workforce and you’ll soon find that your career opportunities will look a whole lot clearer.
What are the qualifications and experience needed for that next opportunity?
Do some research and find out what qualifications and skill sets are needed for the position you have in mind. Tick off the ones you have, and find out how you can attain the others.
Do it now even if it means having to give up your free time. Having those qualifications will stand you in a much better position, and it also shows that you are able to take the initiative and improve yourself – this is always a winner with any employer, and it will look great on your resume.
What was positive about the performance of the last person who held this job?
Find out as much as you can about the person who used to hold the position you are interested in. Were they always on time or did they arrive at the office before everyone else? Did they always follow through and keep their promises? Did they get amazing results and were loved by their team?
Now, these attributes don’t come by chance. They come by hard work and dedication. So why not start practicing them today and you will be better prepared when the position is finally yours.
What are the formal and informal expectations of the position?
Now, we could write a whole article on this topic alone. Formal and informal expectations are often the quoted as the difference between what is expected to get the job done, and going beyond it. It’s also those extra things that individuals can bring to the table like great networking skills or a wider knowledge of the industry.
It is worth researching this by finding out what the person who held the position brought to the table. As well, look at other managers you admire – what formal skills do they have, and what informal ones add those extra bonuses?
When preparing yourself for your next promotion remember that research can take many paths. You can do research at your desk by searching through the company website or learning more from websites like this one. This is known as secondary research.
Primary research will require you to speak to others and informally interview them. You will have to be able to listen to what others tell you even if it seems harsh, and then take it on board. You will also need to face some hard truths and accept that you have a lot of work ahead of you.
Remember that the more serious you are about your information gathering and “gap analysis,” the better positioned you’ll be for your interview. Don’t sell yourself short by taking shortcuts. You deserve that promotion and you have the skills to prepare yourself for it now.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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