4 Indicators That Your Career is Going Nowhere
Have you come to the point where you feel your career is going nowhere? Do you feel that you have exhausted every avenue for promotion, but you don’t know why? Are you tired of seeing others promoted over you? Do you think your boss is ignoring you or, even worse, hates you?
You are good at what you do. You understand that and others in your team know that too. You are friendly and have been applying for positions for some time when they become available.
Sure, you are hardworking and focused, but have you got to a point where you think that these qualities are not enough? And you beginning to consider what are the real factors affecting career development?
Well, the good news is you are not alone. There are plenty of other middle managers who are at a loss to explain the true factors affecting career development.
As an individual only you are responsible for your next promotion. It is therefore imperative that you know the 4 indicators that show your career is going nowhere.
Situation 1: You Are Never Considered for a Promotion
Regardless of how hard you work or how dedicated you are to your company, you never seem to be considered for a promotion. Does this sound familiar?
You may have tried to apply for promotions, but you are continually knocked back. When you inquire as to why you are given the same reason over again.
It doesn’t seem fair, but it is a sure indication that your career is going nowhere.
Situation 2: Your Job is Too Easy
If you find that your job is too easy then you are in trouble. If your job doesn’t challenge you it is a strong indication that your career is stuck, and to a degree meaningless.
If you truly love your job you are going to find your spirits lifted each time a new project lands on your desk. You are going to relish opportunities to push yourself and face obstacles. Is this you? No? If not, then you are really stuck.
Situation 3: Your Career has Come to a Complete Stop
Some middle managers’ careers come to a stop and they don’t really notice. Well, not at first anyway. They have been rolling along when suddenly it dawns on them one day that they have been doing the same thing year after year.
Sometimes when we challenge ourselves and we don’t see the benefits we believe we should, our minds tend to go around in circles. We begin to doubt our own abilities and even worth.
It can be hard to decide whether you want to apply for the next promotion or not. It can be difficult to know whether you are going to face the same issues at other companies so you end up staying where you are, and not advancing.
You may have begun to notice that others are being promoted over you. This can damage your confidence a lot, especially if that person is younger than you or hasn’t been at the company as long.
Situation 4: You’ve Lost All Enthusiasm for the Job
When you are really stuck you become like a robot. You do your job, you complete the tasks assigned to you, but you have lost your ability to add flair and that special something to your work.
If you find that you don’t have any enthusiasm for your job then you are truly stuck, and it is safe to say your career is not going anywhere.
When looking back on your career, some of these points may sound familiar. The question you need to ask yourself does this mean the end. Is the writing on the wall?
And if it is, and you are now noticing it, what next?
Don’t worry because help is at hand. Now is the time to change your career for the better. You don’t deserve to be stuck in the same boring job. You shouldn’t be in a career that is going nowhere.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Creating a Partnership with Your Boss That Leads to Your Next Promotion
If you have really want a promotion, but you don’t seem to be able to get one you may need to address the relationship you have with your boss. Instead of blaming them why not look at making your boss your partner in your promotion and create career advancement solutions that work.
Sure, your boss is a busy person and is busy making the department work. Let’s face it, it is their job to ensure that your area is managed well. If it isn’t then the success of the company is at risk.
Keeping this in mind, your boss might not be aware that you want a promotion, and if they do they might not realize what you have to offer in this new position. You don’t want your career advancement solutions spoiled because you are being left out of your own career making solutions, do you?
Many managers looking for a promotion incorrectly assume that employers already have someone in mind when they advertise the job. In some cases, managers believe that the job has already been filled, and that the interview process is just a formality.
These opinions are often wrong. According to a recent survey published on CareerBuilder of over 1,500 hiring managers, just under half, 48 percent of the employers surveyed reported struggling to find candidates to fill vacancies.
Getting to Know Your Boss Better
To make sure that you are front of mind when the next promotion comes up, create a dynamic relationship with your boss. Rather than following directives and only speaking to your boss when spoken to why not open up other avenues of dialogue with your boss?
Your boss is a person just like you, and they started out just like – low in the pecking order. And, that’s okay because that’s how most company structures work. Get to know your boss a bit better, and you’ll be able to understand them more.
Find out what sport or music they like. Find out if they have children and a family. You may find that you have more in common with your boss than you realized despite an age gap.
Now you are not on a fact finding mission, let’s make that clear. Partnerships are based on sharing information, ideals and goals. With this in mind, make sure you share little bits of information about yourself. Look for things you might have in common with your boss, and bring them up whenever you can.
Once you are more familiar with your boss open up to them about what your goals are. Sharing your promotion goals with your boss is a great way to ensure that you are included in on the career promotion network.
Once you have a friendly relationship you will begin to see your boss in a new light. They will no longer be that one person who is stopping you from getting the promotion you want. They are no longer stopping you, or side stepping you.
Instead your boss may even come that one important person who is on your side, cheering for you and supporting your career advancement.
Ask For Honest Feedback
If things haven’t gone well for you in the past in regards to promotions, then it’s time you opened up and found out why. This can be difficult for a lot of people so remember you are not alone.
If your boss has warmed to you more, and knows what you want it is easier for them to help you because they know you better. Think about it for a second. It is harder to speak to a stranger about a delicate subject than someone you know, right?
Working with your boss instead of against them is a great way to make sure that you are both on the same page. The position needs to be filled, and preferably by someone who is good at their job, reliable and easy to work with. That’s you, isn’t it?
If you are looking for a promotion in your company take a look at the way you are working, and your attitude. Don’t make your boss your enemy by being resentful.
Instead, build a relationship that is founded on trust and clarity. When you are seeking your next promotion, work alongside your boss as you would any partner, and if you expect different results you will see them.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Just published! The Fastest Way to the Corner Office
I’m so excited to announce my new book, The Fastest Way to the Corner Office, written to help every middle manager achieve their career dreams.
Middle managers worldwide are working around the clock, vying for a chance to get promoted, yet only a mere 30% actually succeed. Why is this?
It’s not because they don’t want it enough. And it’s not because they’re not trying or working hard or long enough. And no, it’s not because they aren’t lucky. The reason is that they aren’t doing the right things in the right way for them.
Book stores and websites are flooded with “how to” guides about anything available on the planet, including THE formula for career success. While THE formula might’ve worked for some professionals, this doesn’t mean that there’s a single road leading to your next promotion. In fact, my experience shows that if you travel down a road not paved just for you, career disaster will be lurking at the end.
In The Fastest Way to the Corner Office, you’ll discover your own road to success by learning what’s right for you. You’ll identify with the many managers profiled and realize how similar your story is to theirs. And you’ll learn about the paths they chose to succeed. More importantly, you’ll be able to examine their solutions and implement the ones that make the most sense to you.
Over the years, I’ve been challenged by others who’ve claimed that you have to be “born a leader.” While I respect the right of anyone to express their opinion, over 35 years of research and practice have shown me that this simply isn’t true. I’ve seen far too many stories of middle managers who were not necessarily born leaders, yet by tapping into their potential, became very effective senior managers. And the best part is that every one of us has untapped potential, ready to be released so that we can achieve the career of our dreams. The secret is to make ourselves aware of this potential.
So as you read The Fastest Way to the Corner Office, keep in mind the following:
1. I know that I have hidden potential ready to be unleashed.
2. I will identify my hidden potential.
3. I will develop and nourish my hidden potential to help me achieve career success.
I hope you enjoy The Fastest Way to the Corner Office and wish you luck in your journey towards your next promotion.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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3 Reasons Why Your Boss Might Be Blocking Your Career Path
If you are frustrated with where your career is heading and you are looking for some career advancement solutions then you may have to spend some time looking at yourself.
Yes, you.
No one doubts how hard you work and how good you are at your job. However, you may be sabotaging your own career advancement by behaving in a negative way.
This doesn’t mean you are not doing your job properly. But, you may be doing small things which make your boss see you in a less than perfect light.
When it comes to promotions, your boss is the number one person you have to impress. They aren’t going to recommend or support your career if they think you are too much trouble or a poor fit for the company.
When searching for career advancement solutions it is important that you become honest with yourself, take a good look at how you react to negative situations in the workplace, and make changes for the better.
1. You Gossip Too Much
If you are first to the water cooler with a whole lot of gossip or complaints this is going to get back to your boss. They are not going to appreciate you if you are the one spreading rumors or undermining the company, even in small ways.
If you offend or upset your co-workers, how can your boss put you into a higher position of responsibility and trust? Leaders, true leaders, are able to work with all kinds of people and get the best out of them. They don’t listen to or spread unkind and embarrassing comments. Instead, they squash them and support everyone on the team.
2. You Can’t Work on Your Own without Someone Holding Your Hand
Being able to work without someone helping you or holding your hand is imperative if you want to take on a more senior role.
What your boss wants to see is you showing initiative. If you see that something needs to be done, do it. If you notice that some important factor has been left out, then fix it.
You need to be responsible for all aspects of your job, and to a degree, others in your team. It is important that you keep in mind that it is the success of the project, and the company that is most important; focus on that; and build yourself as the go-to, trustworthy member of a well-trained team.
3. You Never Take Criticism Well
If you complain, storm off, argue back and simply get “huffy” when you are criticized then you will come off as someone who is argumentative, and even childish.
No one likes to be criticized. We all want to believe that we are doing our best at all times. However, we are all human and we all make mistakes.
If you are criticized make sure you nod and thank the person talking to you. Repeat back what they have said and explain you are looking for clarification to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Reinforce the fact that you want to learn and be the best you can be for the team and the company.
Your boss may be holding you back from a career advancement, but in truth, it might be your fault.
Don’t worry though, there will be many opportunities arising in the future that may propel you up to a senior position. All you have to do is ensure you are prepared and ready by being responsible, trustworthy and competent – the person your boss will be proud to help promote.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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4 Ways to Ensure You Are Ready for Your Next Promotion
You may be looking for tempting career advancement opportunities, but in truth you may be actually sabotaging your chances of getting that promotion. And, to make matters worse, you may not even be aware you are doing this.
You work hard and you are good at what you do. However, there are many reasons why you are not being promoted to a senior position. Instead, you are stuck in a lackluster job and you are feeling wasted and undervalued.
Here are 4 things you can do right now to help you take advantage of any tempting career advancements.
1. Don’t Make Your Boss a Competitor
Whatever you do don’t become a threat to your boss. If your boss sees you as a threat he or she may resent any steps you take towards advancing your career.
This may be out of your control as your boss knows how good you are, and doesn’t want you promoted into a more senior position than them.
And, don’t forget your boss has had a hand in training you, and given you opportunities to grow and excel in your current position. They know your potential and know if you would be better at their job than they are. There are thousands of companies worldwide in which managers have taken over departments formerly run by their boss.
2. Don’t Be Too Good at Your Job
This statement, don’t be too good at your job, isn’t suggesting you shouldn’t do your job well. What it means is that you shouldn’t be wholly responsible for your department’s success.
If you are your boss isn’t going to want to part with you. If you are seen as the sole go-to person on your team, why would your boss want to spend the time and effort retraining someone else who is going to replace you, and do your job? What guarantee is there that they will be as good as you?
Make sure that your career highlights are seen as part of your department. As they say, “there is no i in team!” It is recommended that you keep files and documents about your own career successes, it is important that your boss sees you as part of a team, not someone who is indispensable. That way they will be happy to help you further your career.
3. Build a reputation inside and outside your team
Networking is all about finding the people you need to help you succeed. A good networker is someone who helps others succeed too. Your reputation is the one thing that will help you get that promotion you want and deserve.
You may even share your résumé with others in business. You never know where it may take you. Don’t hide your achievements and hope that someone notices you. Allow your experience, knowledge and skills to speak for themselves. And, when roles do become available you’ll find you’re much more likely to be considered for the opportunity.
4. Make Your Intentions Known
When you start in a new position always make sure that it is clear that you intend to be promoted. Some people don’t, and when they apply it takes their boss by surprise. Always make your intentions known, so that when a position arises your name will be raised for consideration.
As well, keep an eye out for projects you can get involved with or even lead. This will help you stand out and be seen by senior management and other departments.
Look for opportunities to showcase your successes away from your department. Does your company have a newsletter you could feature in? Is there an industry magazine where you could feature what you do? What about your local newspapers or radio? Are there opportunities where you could showcase what you have achieved? After all, you never know who is listening and taking notes.
Remember only you are responsible for your successful career advancement. You are the one who can make it happen by taking control of your situation, making yourself known to those in control, and building a solid reputation that mean you are a shoe-in for that next promotion.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Is Your Boss Too Dependent Upon You and Are You Too Invaluable an Employee to Lose?
Are you wondering why others are getting promoted over you even though they might not be as good as you at their job? You work hard and you have serious career goals of a manager. These involve proper preparation and commitment to the company, a great work ethic, and you have even undergone self-training. So, what are you doing wrong?
Perhaps the answer is you are too good at your job. Have you ever thought that your boss might be holding you back because of this?
Your boss knows that you will get the job done well. Hiring and training someone new takes a lot of time and effort. In a busy company not many bosses want to have to spend time replacing great employees like you.
Is your boss just being selfish?
A selfish boss may prevent you from working with other people so they don’t see how good you are at your job. They may even give you poor reviews, and not put your name forward when asked for recommendations.
Are they being selfish? No one can answer this but them. However, before you get all hot under the collar let’s give your boss the benefit of the doubt. Getting angry won’t do your career goals of a manager any good at all.
How Can You Tell if Your Boss is Holding You Back?
Does your boss single you out to do special tasks and projects? Are you spoken to in private about work you are required to do?
Special projects are often reserved for employees like you who are great at what you do. Let’s face it, your boss isn’t going to give these important tasks to someone who lacks your expertise and drive, are they?
While being chosen to do special projects is flattering you might have to ask yourself is there anyone else on your team who can do them as well as you? Is there someone else who could take your place? Does your boss rely solely on you?
Consider these questions and you may come to realize that there is a good reason your boss is holding you back. You are the only one who is reliable enough to do the job.
Choose Your Times, Then Talk It Out
You may not even be aware that holding employees back is bad for business. Research has proven this, and you need to take your case to your boss.
Do some research and present your findings to your boss. Stay calm all the time, as well as, upbeat and positive.
Make sure you ask questions that you don’t know the answers to. One might be how can you improve your performance so that you can be considered for a senior position?
Be Prepared and Proactive
Have you asked your boss what’s going on, and expressed an interest in a promotion? Set up a meeting time so you can discuss what your needs are. Make it early in the morning so you can go in with a clear head, and also plan what you are going to say.
Using records and data show the different ways that you have made a significant impact on the company. Talk about your goals and how much they mean to you. Demonstrate how much more you could do for the company if you were in a more senior position.
Most importantly, frame your comments so that you make your current boss look good. Tell them that it is due to them that you are the great employee you are, and how much you have learned from them.
Don’t Give Up
So, how can you achieve the career goals of a manager despite a boss who still wants to keep you close by?
Remember that you are not being punished for being good at your job. You are being utilized and you are highly valued. These are good points, which you need to use when putting your case forward for a promotion.
Identify the signs your boss is too dependent upon you, and find proactive solutions. When you do you will better prepared when that next promotion comes up.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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Record and Track Your Way to Your Next Promotion
If you are not in the habit of recording your career successes then you are doing yourself a huge disservice. This is particular true if you are considering a tempting career advancement, and you are not sure how to take advantage of it.
Let’s face it, getting a promotion isn’t just going to happen. If you want to further your management career you have to make it happen. And, to do this successfully you need to track and record all the information and data you need to make a stunning presentation the next time you sit down in a job interview.
When pursuing your next tempting career advancement opportunity, remember to get ahead you should take charge of properly preparing yourself. And, this means recording and tracking everything you have achieved.
What Is the Purpose of Tracking and Recording Your Successes?
The most important reason for tracking and recording your successes is to reflect, record and them. You’ll be surprised how quickly you will amass an attractive portfolio which you can share next time you sit down in a job interview.
You should take time to reflect on your accomplishments in real time before you forget them. We tend to be too busy to stop and record what we have done, and this means important milestones and goals might be forgotten.
As soon as a project is completed, make notes and save the file. Scan flyers or print materials, too. You may have photos of other accomplishments and you should keep these too, making sure they are your images and not your company’s.
Tracking and recording your successes gives you the opportunity to think about what you did well, and also what you should have done differently. No one is perfect, and as long as you can look at something you’ve done in an honest way you’ll see how where improvements could have been made. This will help you get better results in the future, and show prospective new employers how much you are willing to learn and grow.
When you are applying for a promotion this file is going to be invaluable. You can use it to clearly demonstrate how much you have actually achieved.
How Should you Track and Record?
Once you have completed a project, take time to stop and reflect by keeping a special file on your computer and make a list of your accomplishments and how they contributed to the outcome.
Consider which of your accomplishments can be measured and in what terms. For example, did your work help increase your company’s clientele, or earnings. Where your actions responsible for decreasing spending?
You could use Excel to clearly layout what you have achieved. Create labels such as date, project name, who was involved besides you, the time it took, whether it was achieved on time and on budget, and where things went wrong.
Then you should have a separate table for how these last things will be improved upon next time.
Being Influential and Solution Focused
Don’t forget to share your successes in a constructive way. Most people don’t like to brag, and therefore others don’t realize what they have achieved.
However, there are ways to share your accomplishments with your team and your boss without sounding like a showoff.
Frame your comments in such a way that it shows that the success of a project was a team effort. Keep your comments positive, and focus on the benefits the company received from it. Use “we” and “our” pronouns, not “I” or “me”, for example.
This will help others see you in a positive light, as a team player and someone who can be relied upon.
Spreading the word around your office, and your wider network, will help you build your reputation for being a team player and a reliable employee.
Having your accomplishments tracked and recorded properly will provide the visual information needed to push you up and onto the career path you desire.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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3 Ways You Can Ensure You Are Promoted Over a Work Colleague
Competition for senior management positions can be a double-edged sword in the workplace. It can help bring out all those attributes that teach us how to measure success at work, but it can also cut us down as we are outdone by a work colleague.
If you want to make sure that you are well prepared for your next promotion then you are going to have to start planning now even if there isn’t a job available. Being fully prepared may be the one thing that will help you be promoted over a work colleague.
If you having been following my articles you will already be aware there are many ways how to measure success at work. Planning for your dream job takes months, if not years; it is not something you can achieve overnight.
One thing you have to face is that others in your company, and your department will be vying for the same position as you. This may result in bad feelings when someone is promoted over someone else. And, this can adversely affect the success of the company.
Disgruntled employees who feel they are being ignored may not work to the fullest potential. They may also begin to undermine the company’s projects, and ultimately sabotage its success. One of the key reasons for this occurs when an employee is left behind as their work colleagues are promoted over them again and again.
You don’t want this to be you. After all, you are good at your job, and you know you have the right skills to do well. You want to advance your career and demonstrate to your employees just how skillful you are. As well, you have put hours and hours of work into planning your promotion, and you don’t want to be overlooked again because a work colleague was better prepared for the job interview than you were.
Here are 3 ways you can ensure you are promoted over a work colleague, and help the process go as smoothly as possible. Before the interview make sure that you are always seen to be doing these important things:
1. Network within your company
Networking is easier for some people than others because some people are naturally outgoing and enjoy meeting others. These people are very good at networking and understand what it means for their career advancement.
Networking doesn’t just mean knowing the names of the work colleagues inside, and out of your department. When you begin to incorporate networking into your career advancement plan understand exactly what it entails.
For example, networking with others means making sure that people of influence within your company know who you are, and they are fully aware of all the skills you have. They look to you as someone who can get the job done, and who is interested in the long term success of the company.
2. Be indispensable
Make sure that those people who are working on projects with you know that you are the go-to person for many of its aspects. This may mean extra work for you, but it will make you indispensable on so many levels.
If there is an issue don’t fob it off for someone else to do or ignore it. Tackle problems head on and make sure that you find a solution. If there is a failing in some area, again make sure that it is you who does something about it, and fixes it.
Being indispensable can be hard work, but it will ensure that next time a promotion is available you will be looked upon more favorably than your work colleagues.
3. Be Respectful of Your Work Colleagues
During the interview process, no one enjoys hearing someone else talk badly about another person. It makes everyone feel uncomfortable and only makes the speaker seem churlish and childish. You don’t need to point out the shortcomings of your work colleagues in an interview because the hiring committee more than likely knows them. Instead, respect your competition and be polite.
If you are asked why you are the better candidate for a promotion always talk up your own skills. Don’t point out that you are better than another person by pointing out how bad they are at their job. Don’t remind the interviewees of mistakes others have made as this might remind them of the mistakes you have made, and that won’t go down well either.
If you are asked to talk about a work colleague do so in a respectful way. This shows that you have a greater understanding of your workplace, and that you have the skills needed to manage others at a senior level in a fair and honest manner.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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How To Manage Your Career Like You Do Your Department
As an employee you do a great job of managing your department. You know what is happening, who is doing what, and you also know, how to achieve the best outcome for your company.
However, do you apply the same skills to your professional development goals for managers? Do you spend a lot of time thinking about advancing your career? Do you read a lot of books, watch inspiring videos, and join online community forums focused on career advancement?
Have any of these things worked? My guess is, ‘No’.
Sadly, most people don’t realize that they already have the skills they need to succeed. They look at their professional development goals for managers as something different from what they are already doing: Something else they have to learn about, or something new they have to add to their busy day.
In truth, you should consider utilizing the skills you use in your job to advance your career along the path you most desire.
You will be surprised to learn that the skills and talents you already have may be enough to get you that promotion or career change you have always wanted.
Be Well Organized
Treat your career advancement goals like you would a new project at work. Look at the long term goal, and what you hope to achieve at the end of certain amount of time, and then set smaller goals that will help you achieve this.
Who do you need help from? What resources do you already have? Do you need to retrain or study more?
How much planning is done when beginning a new project? How do you organize your workload? Do you use folders and a filing system? Are there codes and systems which make tracking the project easier and more efficient?
You know these systems work because you use them and you are good at what you do, and you know how to get results. So, why not use these systems or similar ones to advance your career?
You may not get your dream job now or next week. But, what if you planned and implemented a strategic system that looked at how you could improve yourself, and your prospects?
This might involve keeping track of jobs you would like and have applied for. In particular, you should be doing analyze of each job application, and carefully looking at each aspect and seeing how well you meet them.
It may also involve getting a mentor, learning online and being a better employee.
Keep Your Eyes on What is Happening Day to Day
Many long term goals get lost in the day to day operations of our lives. How many times have you stopped and dreamt of your dream job, then found months later your busy life has just got in your way of obtaining it?
Never losing sight of your long term goal is important, but so is what is happening right now. Make a habit of checking in each day and seeing where you are on your management career path journey.
If there is something you haven’t done, get it done by the end of the day. Always make yourself accountable by dedicating a few minutes a day to seeing how well you are going.
Evolve and Grow
Being flexible is one of the best ways to achieve your goals. Today you see yourself in a certain position, in a certain company, and that’s okay. Your life may take you down a path that you hadn’t counted on. Your company may promote you in way you couldn’t have imagined, and that’s okay too.
The important thing is to evolve and grow with these changes. Don’t see them as obstacles that are slowing you down. Instead, view them as interesting challenges that will help you grow and evolve into an even better manager.
Running and organizing your career should be done in the same way you organize your department. You should be keeping track of what you have done, and what you need to achieve in a formal, well-organized manner. You should also be making sure you are accountable to yourself, like you are to your managers, so that you compelled to do a great job.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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There is No Place For Complacency When Applying for a Job Internally – 2 Tips That Will Get You That Promotion
Many people make the mistake of thinking that because they already work for a company, they will be considered leniently for a promotion. This is especially true if they have been invited to apply by their senior managers.
And, why wouldn’t they be flattered, and think the job was theirs? After all, like you they have their eyes firmly set on a corporate development career path, and want to succeed.
However, they are disappointed when they don’t get the position, and someone who applied externally is given the position over them. This really hurts when they know they could do the job well, and they want to do the right thing by their company.
If you have experienced this scenario, you are not alone. It happens so often I feel compelled to write about it, and offer you 2 important tips to help you be the best candidate for the job.
Next time you are considering advancing your corporate development career path by applying for a job internally, consider these 2 important points:
1. Look at the Job Position from Your Employer’s Point of View
Many people see a job advertised or are asked to apply, and think “What do I have to do to get this position?” They look at the position, and the rewards it offers, from their point of view only.
Your employer already knows you might be suitable for the role, but you are going to have to convince them and beat the competition from within and without your organization.
They want to see a new, fresh you. They don’t want to see an old resume or you in the same suit or outfit you wear a lot. They want to see that you can step up to the new role, and be more of a professional than you are already.
Consider what questions your employer might be thinking, and make sure you address them.
As an example, here are 3 questions many employers are asking themselves:
a. What are the three most important responsibilities of this role? What qualities does the right person need to fulfill this role?
b. What kind of leadership or management style am I looking for? Will I find that in people I already know or will someone new bring something interesting to the table?
c. What are potential red flags that might stop me from selecting a particular candidate? If someone applies internally, can I see past their foibles and hire them for what they have the potential to become, not who they are now?
Now, sit down and answer these questions as if you were your employer. Do you have the right skill set? Are you qualified, and a good fit for the role?
If not, find out what you need to do to make sure you are. And, if you can’t step back and be better prepared next time.
2. Talk About Your Imperfections
No one has a perfect employment record because we are all human and make mistakes. When you are applying for a job internally be prepared to admit to these mistakes and face them.
Perhaps you let something slip at the coffee machine in front of a client you shouldn’t have. Perhaps you overpromised and under delivered and a client was lost.
Sometimes things are missed, and mistakes are made – your employer knows that. So, fully explain what went wrong, and hold yourself accountable.
What they want from you is an open honest approach, and the ability to see a mistake, and you acting towards fixing it straight way. They don’t want someone who tries to hide their mistakes.
Show that you learned from your mistake, and haven’t repeated it. Demonstrate how you made amends, how you apologized and how you moved on from what happened.
As well, talk about your great track record, and show them the files you have kept that showcase just want a great job you are doing.
Remember that your seniors are human and have made mistakes just like you. They don’t want to promote someone who never owns up or blames others. They want someone in a senior position who can manage mistakes and turn them into positives.
So, when applying for a senior position within your company don’t approach it casually. Be as focused and proactive as you would be if you were applying for a position at another company.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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