Boss isn't promoting you? Don't ignore these 4 signs why.

When considering how to get promoted, the most natural plan of action for most middle managers is to speak with your boss. After all, having a close relationship with your bosses so far has been key to reaching your current position - and a way of how to measure success at work. And of course whether you actually get a promotion is most likely contingent on their personal recommendation. So your strategy is probably correct. The only problem is that not all bosses share this mindset. Here are some indicators that this might be the case for your boss:
1. Your boss praises you often.
Yes, this sounds completely counterintuitive. Doesn’t this mean you’re doing a great job - and should get promoted? Isn’t this how to measure success at work? Not necessarily. First off, if you’re getting a lot of praise for what you’re doing, it could mean that your is boss happy - very happy with you exactly where you are. And if they’re so happy, why would they want you to get promoted - and moved away from them? Another “danger” of being over-praised is that your boss might be playing a type of “offense”. If they praise you a lot, why would you dare complain about anything? In other words, their praising is used to keep you - and your requests for promotion - at bay.
2. Your department is very successful.
This reason seems illogical as well. If your department is successful, you’re probably doing a good job. And if you’re doing a good job, then you should get promoted, right? Well, unfortunately, that’s not your boss’s logic. From your boss’s point of view, your department is so busy meeting and exceeding goals that long-term human resources planning is the last priority. Therefore, while the department’s energy is focused on results - your career aspirations are at the bottom of your boss’s pile.
3. There’s nowhere to grow.
While many ambitious middle managers are quick to point out places where they can provide added value - and get promoted - sometimes there just isn’t room in the company for such growth. Your boss is limited to both a specific ecosystem and limited resources and therefore can’t create a position out of thin air. If you think this isn’t the case, you have to understand that some bosses just aren’t the type to go out on a limb for you...they’re too busy preserving their own career.
4. You’re being encouraged to develop other skills.
In most cases, this could be a sign that your boss wants you to round out your skill set, thus putting you in a better position for promotion. But this isn’t always the case. Developing those skills might be good for the boss’s immediate needs, but is it good for the career path you’ve been working towards? While you want your boss to see you as open minded and flexible, watch out for being taken off track.
So with all of these warning signs that your boss might not be on board with your promotion, what can you do? The first thing to do is to acknowledge the situation. Once you think you know what’s happening, it’s time for you to take your career path into your own hands.
At this point in time, your boss is not the address, so it’s time to consult with others. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses with fellow colleagues. Ask to have an informal discussion with other senior managers so that you can understand the promotion possibilities in the organization. Once you have a good picture of yourself and a general direction, work on filling in the gaps you’ll need once a promotion opportunity comes along. The combination of your improved skill set and contacts with seniors in your organization will position you well for your journey towards the corner office.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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