2 Reasons Why It Might Be Time to Leave Your Current Position

When is it time to leave your job? Most people never think of leaving their position until the day comes and they are rejected for a promotion they thought they deserved.
When this happens many middle managers are so devastated they allow their emotions to take over and they end up leaving their current position. Resigning based on negative emotions is never a good idea, but it is one of the factors affecting career development that has an aversive effect on careers.
Allowing your emotions to cloud your judgement will only lead to further disappointment and a slowing of your career advancement. There are good and bad factors affecting career development, and it is important that you put aside the bad ones, then utilize the good ones for your own advancement.
Knowing when to leave your job is never a walk in the park. It is always going to be emotional. Let’s face it, starting a new job isn’t easy and sometimes it isn’t practical. More often than not, managers stay where they are because changing jobs is just too hard. They give up hope of a tempting career advancement and wrongly accept they are not good enough to sit in the corner office.
Having said that, there may be reasons why you should consider leaving your current job. These should never be considered when in the emotional turmoil of disappointment and rejection, though. They should be fully considered once you understand the reasons completely.
Let’s check them out…
1. You are expected to give up your free time
You sit down with your boss and you are being told why you didn’t get the promotion, and you are surprised to learn it is because you don’t socialize with your team well enough. Now, this is an expectation you may not have realized affected your chances of a promotion, but it does.
Some companies not only support but encourage their staff to meet after work or on weekends. This doesn’t mean long drinking sessions necessarily, but this can happen. It may mean engaging in a sport or hobby together like basketball or soccer. Your company may expect your team to help clean up the environment on the weekends.
Perhaps these things are not your cup of tea and you would rather spend time with your family or your friends. While keeping fit is important, and no one can deny that looking after the environment is crucial, so is your work / life balance. Doing things away from the people you spend most of your time with is important for your well-being. You need your space and your free time should be yours to do with as you please.
2.Impossible and Unachievable Goals are Set
All companies have goals which are an integral part of the company’s success. These usually pertain to sales goals, obtaining new clients or lowering costs. However, if you have been told that to get the next promotion you have to increase productivity by 20%, for example, and this is near impossible then it is time to say goodbye.
Sure, the increase might be achievable if you could expand your team and bring in new members. It might not be impossible if your budget was increased or if you were given more time, but what if these things weren’t supplied? What if you were expected to meet these remarkable targets with what you have now, and it is on possible?
It’s at this point that you realize that a promotion will never happen for you under these current circumstances. If this is case then it is time to find a new position where you’re provided with the appropriate resources to meet your goals, where you are appreciated for what you can offer, and valued as an important member of the team.
Leaving your current position because you are angry and frustrated is not good enough. However, if you have analyzed your specific situation without any emotion then it might be time to move on. You may actually find leaving your current company will increase your chances of being promoted and give your career the much needed boost it deserves.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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