7 career advancement solutions to get the promotion you deserve

Are you looking for career advancement solutions that actually work?
Are you tired of not getting the promotion you deserve?
Here are 7 career advancement solutions to get that promotion that will see you rise in your career.
Before going through these steps, however, it is important that you plan what you are going to do carefully. It is not enough to just think about what you want and hope you can work out how to make it a reality. For maximum effect download this handy planning sheet and complete it with as many details as you.
Step 1
Decide what your dream job is going to be. Include as many details as possible including the title of the job, name or type of organization, your salary, where the job will be located and more.
Step 2
Spend some time each day visualizing yourself in your dream job. Imagine what it will look like. How will you feel? What affect will it have on your home life? Now, write all these things down in great detail.
Step 3
Read out loud what you’ve written in Step 2 twice each day. It is best to do this at the beginning and end of the day so that each detail remains in your mind. Visualizing yourself in your dream job will ensure it becomes a reality.
Step 4
Look at your diary and choose a date for achieving your dream job. This will keep you focused and you won’t be distracted.
Step 5
If you want your dream job you are going to have to make some sacrifices. What are you willing to give up? And what are you not? Getting that dream job is going to take planning and time so you may have to give up dinner with friends or going out on weekends.
Step 6
Work out what other things you need to do to help you reach your dream job. Attach a date to each task so that you remain committed to achieving each one in turn.
Step 7
Choose a date in the future and set that as the day you begin your dream job.
Part of achieving your dream job means working through each step. This will break down what you have to do to succeed logically and practically.
Only you are master of your destiny so make sure your destiny is what you want it to be and you don’t get left behind.
It is important to remember that it is better to spend a lot of time on achieving your dreams. Studies have shown that we use the same amount of energy working towards something we want as we do being disappointed that we didn’t get it in the first place.
To look at this interesting fact further see my post The ONLY secret weapon you’ll need to get promoted. The choice is up to you.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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