2022- A New Beginning

New beginnings always bring new opportunities - but it’s up to us to decide whether to make these opportunities our own - an important part of career goals for managers. Unfortunately, from my experience, very few of us take full advantage of new opportunities. This is usually attributed to what people mistakenly call a “realistic” view of such opportunities. They incorrectly overestimate the gap between where they are and where they could be. So they decide it’s not realistic to go for the opportunity - better to stay put.
Others who understand the importance of career goals for managers realize that opportunities cannot be wasted. Yes, it takes work, but it’s not impossible. I hope you’re part of this second category of managers. It’s 2022 and you have a world of opportunities awaiting you. Here’s how to get going:
First, it’s important to understand that seizing new opportunities means making some changes of your own. To do this, you’ll have to take an inventory of your current habits to see which ones might help or hinder your journey towards new opportunities. For example, when making decisions, do you often seek advice from everyone in your department? Perhaps such a habit has caused you to miss out on time sensitive deals.
Once you’ve taken your habit inventory, follow these steps:
1. Identify the habits you need to change.
2. Reduce these habits so that you can control them. This means being able to take them out and put them away as needed. If you get this right, you’ll find that you’ve made room for desirable habits to take root and grow.
3. Nourish and monitor your desirable habits. With persistence, they will become second nature and lead you towards success.
With this plan, you’ll seize the right opportunities in 2022 and before you know it, it’ll will be your year of success. During 2022, I’ll explore some of the topics I’ve touched on in more detail in the following posts:
1. “Think big but start small: the #1 key to success”
2. “Identify habits that are harming your career”
3. “Reduce harmful habits: why and how?”
4. “Find your untapped potential: why and how?”
Look out for this special 2022 series. And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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