Record and Track Your Way to Your Next Promotion

If you are not in the habit of recording your career successes then you are doing yourself a huge disservice. This is particular true if you are considering a tempting career advancement, and you are not sure how to take advantage of it.
Let’s face it, getting a promotion isn’t just going to happen. If you want to further your management career you have to make it happen. And, to do this successfully you need to track and record all the information and data you need to make a stunning presentation the next time you sit down in a job interview.
When pursuing your next tempting career advancement opportunity, remember to get ahead you should take charge of properly preparing yourself. And, this means recording and tracking everything you have achieved.
What Is the Purpose of Tracking and Recording Your Successes?
The most important reason for tracking and recording your successes is to reflect, record and them. You’ll be surprised how quickly you will amass an attractive portfolio which you can share next time you sit down in a job interview.
You should take time to reflect on your accomplishments in real time before you forget them. We tend to be too busy to stop and record what we have done, and this means important milestones and goals might be forgotten.
As soon as a project is completed, make notes and save the file. Scan flyers or print materials, too. You may have photos of other accomplishments and you should keep these too, making sure they are your images and not your company’s.
Tracking and recording your successes gives you the opportunity to think about what you did well, and also what you should have done differently. No one is perfect, and as long as you can look at something you’ve done in an honest way you’ll see how where improvements could have been made. This will help you get better results in the future, and show prospective new employers how much you are willing to learn and grow.
When you are applying for a promotion this file is going to be invaluable. You can use it to clearly demonstrate how much you have actually achieved.
How Should you Track and Record?
Once you have completed a project, take time to stop and reflect by keeping a special file on your computer and make a list of your accomplishments and how they contributed to the outcome.
Consider which of your accomplishments can be measured and in what terms. For example, did your work help increase your company’s clientele, or earnings. Where your actions responsible for decreasing spending?
You could use Excel to clearly layout what you have achieved. Create labels such as date, project name, who was involved besides you, the time it took, whether it was achieved on time and on budget, and where things went wrong.
Then you should have a separate table for how these last things will be improved upon next time.
Being Influential and Solution Focused
Don’t forget to share your successes in a constructive way. Most people don’t like to brag, and therefore others don’t realize what they have achieved.
However, there are ways to share your accomplishments with your team and your boss without sounding like a showoff.
Frame your comments in such a way that it shows that the success of a project was a team effort. Keep your comments positive, and focus on the benefits the company received from it. Use “we” and “our” pronouns, not “I” or “me”, for example.
This will help others see you in a positive light, as a team player and someone who can be relied upon.
Spreading the word around your office, and your wider network, will help you build your reputation for being a team player and a reliable employee.
Having your accomplishments tracked and recorded properly will provide the visual information needed to push you up and onto the career path you desire.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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